actually it's 40d yang now
from the corner of 33rd and 7th

jason bourne paranoid face
look ma, no 'wtf is this creep doing' looks!
these were taken with the 50mm 1.4, prefocused on the ground.

some cropping, some black clipping.. just messing around, really. the first was taken by a certain mollie van gordon. i think it's the better of the two.

this is me and claire on the train to new jersey! i am, not surprsingly, much more possessive of my bags now.
claire is all sorts of awesome. you can talk to her about all sorts of stuff for hours and have no clue that she's just a sophomore (nothing against sophomores). she just has a maturity that is way beyond her years. i learned a lot from her. i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. well, learning is always good, right? right. her last name sounds like "salad", no joke.
i met chase jarvis!

i can't believe i actually met him. through twitter, no less. i love the internet.
more street

i'm in nyc!! i love the city. one of my goals for this trip is to do things that make me step out of my comfort zone, and street photography is definitely one of those things. one thing i've been doing that's been working fairly well is to park myself on a busy street corner and prefocus on a spot on the ground. then i can take a few shots of people as they walk by and then quickly look at something else. i haven't gotten yelled at yet! it's pretty thrilling to get good shots. this one isn't super sharp but i like the composition and her expression and the colors.
lighting workshop, and i rented a 40d

initial 40d impressions: as predicted, this camera is pure sex. the grip is delicious. the shutter release is tactile, firm, and very pleasant. 17 shot raw buffer is very usable. the noise at 1600 is very subtle. also, THREE CUSTOM PRESETS.
[minor annoyance: i'm not used to looking at the top display for settings. i want the main screen to display settings all the time.. it does this if you press 'info' several times but then it goes away after you go into image review and never comes back. :( ]
anyways there were cool lights and a backdrop to play with at photo club. the lights were triggered by a photosensor on the apparatus itself, so you could fire them with your builtin (turned all the way down, of course.) also, note to self-check out spotlighting effect by firing a strobe into not-fully-extended umbrella. i believe it was called short-side lighting.

i just don't get it..
she had a megaphone

floridita is a resteraunt that faces the wrath of columbia university's eminent domain.. thing. i don't understand it fully, but i get the distinct impression that their (columbia's) board of regents is dominated by heartless morons. then again i haven't heard what they have to say about the issue. and i'm also not that interested in it.. so my understanding remains incomplete. i do think it would be harder for the board to make that sort of decision if they could see the faces of the people they are uprooting.